¡@ Respiratory Nursing

Nursing Care of Patient with Ventilatory Support ¡@
¡@ Cycle of Respiration

Respiration is the movement of air in and out of the lungs through the bronchi and bronchioles and their smaller branches. 

It is a cyclic process of inspiration and expiration, i.e., bringing oxygen-containing air into the lungs and removing carbon dioxide.

The movement of air into the lungs, an active process involving muscular and thorax movement.


The move movement of air out of the lungs, normally a passive process.


A pause allows a build-up and distribution of air and pressure.



Alveolar Ventilation


The amount of air which moves into and out of the alveoli and participates in gas exchange each time. It is equal to:


e.g. 15 x (400 - 150)ml = 3.75 L/min.

Interchange of Gases



Air in the alveoli of the lungs


(Diffusion) O2 & CO2 blood in the capillary network which surrounds the alveoli



(chemical combination with Hgb)


Control of Respiration



Partly nervous (in brain stem) AND Partly chemical (chemoreceptor)


Nervous Control
Apneutic center
Pneumotaxic center
Chemoreceptor Control
Central chemoreceptor
Peripheral chemoreceptor
Hering-Breuer reflex

You should see this:

Nervous Control

Chemoreceptor Control


