¡@ Respiratory Nursing

Nursing Care of Patient with Ventilatory Support ¡@
¡@ Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) ¡@
The BIPAP type of ventilators deliver high-flow positive pressure cycling between a high positive pressure and a lower positive pressure.



In spontaneous mode, the flow rate of the patient triggers the ventilator to deliver a volume of gases at the higher pressure level (inspiratory PAP = IPAP) during a preset time or until the patient's flow falls below a threshold level. Then the expiratory phase evolves to the lower pressure (expiratory PAP =EPAP). This mode of ventilation is similar to pressure-support ventilation.


With BiPAP inspiratory and expiratory pressures can be set independently; BiPAP may be triggered to augment the patient's spontaneous inspiration, or it may work independently. ¡@


Advantages of NIPPV


Preservation of away defence

- Decrease nosocomial pneumonia

- Less ICU care required

- Decrease cost of care

Enhance comfort & communication
Less sedation





Limitations of NIPPV


Need co-operation
Facial trauma
Difficult to assess airway




Nursing Management in Patient on NIPPV


1. Pyschological care
- clear explanation are essential to successful application
2. Facial skin protection
3. Appropriate masks
4. Ensure the functioning of the system setting of machine
5. Maintain adequate humidification
6. Monitor the progress, improvement & compliance of the patient
7. Assist in ADL