
Update Series on Respiratory Nursing

Carcinoma of Lung ¡@

Carcinoma of Lung: Overview


Ca Lung


Most common cancer in Hong Kong for both sexes


Average of 3,400 new cases were diagnosed each year


World age-adjusted incidence rates per 100,000 were 74.7 and 30.7 for male and female respectively, both rates were high when compared internationally


Proportions: adenocarcinoma, squamous cell
carcinoma, small cell carcinoma and large cell
undifferentiated carcinoma


Smoking is the major preventable cause of lung cancer


No screening strategy has yet been proved to decrease the mortality in the population


What are the proportions of the carcinoma cells?


Clinically, it is classified: 




Because of their mark differences in behaviour and treatment

- Small cell carcinoma usually disseminated at the time of presentation


- Highly responsive to chemotherapy


- Mainstay of treatment was chemotherapy and radiotherapy


- Surgery may be performed for salvage (post chemotherapy residual tumour, mixed tumour with non-small cell component) or unknown diagnosis or selected limited stage SCLC


- Median survival time for limited stage small cell lung cancer and extensive stage small cell lung cancer Is 16-24 months and 6-12 months respectively


- Overall survival at 5 years is 5-10%

