
Update Series on Respiratory Nursing

Carcinoma of Lung ¡@

Ca Lung




Multiple steps
- Initiation
- Promoter 
- Metastases

Definite order or steps for carcinogensis

Accumulation of genetic alterations rather than a specific order that is critical

Reverse only one or two abnormalities to have profound effect on tumour cell growth and tumorgenicity



Smoking ¡@
Carcinogen: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrosamines

Genetic: only 15% of cigarette smokers develop lung cancer
Risk of lung cancer is dependent on the age at which smoking starts, the intensity of smoking, and the duration of the habit




~ 95% of all lung tumours are malignant


Squamous cell carcinoma usually centrally located and may grow to a relatively large size before metastases


Adenocarcinoma usually mixed pattern of acinor,
papillary or even bronchioloalveolar

- Increasing trend

Bronchioloalveolar grows along alveolar septi,
frequently multifocal, variable appearance, e.g.
solitary nodule, multiple infiltrate, or pneumonia with
air bronchogram radiologically


Large cell undifferentiated ca
- No consensus on their histogenesis
- More aggressive clinical behaviour
- Giant cell variant may mimic metastatic giant cell
carcinoma of thyroid or pancreas




Presentation ¡@

Factors affecting the presentation



Asymptomatic, e.g. incidental finding during
body check-up


Secondary to the primary tumour (cough,
dyspnea, wheezing haemoptysis, pneumonia.
lung abscess, paraneoplastic)


Metastatic spread


Systemic, malaise, anorexia, weight loss
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