
Update Series on Respiratory Nursing

Carcinoma of Lung ¡@

Perioperative Care (Pre-op, Intra-op, Post-op)


Ca Lung

Post-operative Care (Specific care)

 Drainage ¡@
Negative pressure, usually ~ 5 kPa
¡@ - Expansion of the remaining lung
- Obliteration of the pleural space
- Tamponading any air or blood leak
Two drains
¡@ - AAA: Apical Air Anterior
- BBP: Basal Blood Posterior
¡@ - Common to have airleak after operation especially in old age, emphysematous lung
- Check suction if no airleak and swinging
¡@ - Q1h for the first day then daily
Usually off drains around D3 if no airleak
Tips of drains send for culture if sepsis is
suspected or in case of pneumonectomy
¡@ ¡@

Pneumonectomy case

Sputum retention ¡@


¡@ - Bisolvon
- Fluimucil
¡@ - Sputum for culture


Chest physiotherapy
¡@ - Vibration
- Percussion
- Postural drainage
- Breathing exercise (incentive spirometry)
Steam inhalation
Fibreoptic bronchoscopy
Ventilator support



May transfer to ICU if high risk cases or
complicated cases, otherwise, usually stay in HD for at least postop day

- Resume diet next day
- Off IVF if feeding well
- CXR D1-D3, after off suction and off drain
- See wound around D3-5
- Discharge on D7
- Off stitches on D10 if any

¡@ - Disclosure
Discharge ¡@
- See again 4 weeks after discharge, then every 3-4 months for 2 years and then every 6-12 months