
Respiratory Nursing

Nursing Care of Clients with Respiratory Problem Undergoing Surgical Intervention ¡@
Types of Operation

1. Bronchoscopy:
¡@ Fibro-optic bronchoscopy
¡@ Rigid bronchoscopy
2. Thoracoscopy (Video Assisted Thoracoscopy)
3. Mediastinoscopy
4. Mediastinotomy
5. Pericardial Biopsy


6. Wedge excision
7. Segmentectomy
8. Biopsy


Examples of Operation
Therapeutic ¡@
1. Bronchoscopy + Removal of Foreign Body
2. Rigid bronchocopy + Dilatation
3. Bronchoscopy + Stenting + Laser
4. Bronchoscopy + Glue
5. Tracheal Resection
6. Tracheostomy
7. VATS (Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery)
8. Thoracotomy ¡Ó Lung Resection 
9. Decortication
10. Pleurodesis
11. Rib resection
12. Median sternotomy, e.g. trauma
13. Thymectomy
14. Pericardiotomy and Drainage