¡@ Respiratory Nursing

Nursing Care of Clients with Respiratory Problem Undergoing Surgical Intervention ¡@
Post-operative Care

1. Escort patient back from OT to ward or H.D. care
2. Remove OT gown, socks and cap
3. Put on patient's pyjamas, provide
4. Prop up position 60¢X  >>>     >>>      >>>
5. 24% O2 mask with flowmeter on
6. Oximeter for SaO2 monitoring

7. Dianamap for BP/P reading Q1H on OT day, then Q4H
8. Care of IV drip/ PCA/ Epidural
9. Care of chest drain under water seal drainage system

10. Wound management
Main wound dressing keep intact
Drain wound dressing PRN

How to care patient with chest drain system?¡@

11. Steam inhalation
12. Skin pressure are care
13. Bed bath
14. Urine output - insert Foley catheter if indicated
15. Diet 
NPO x 6 hrs.
Resume diet as tolerated
IV therapy replace till PCA/Epidural analgesics is discontinued
16. Arrange CXR D0-D3 and as required
Ensure proper position of chest tube
Ensure lung expansion
Excluding haemorrhage


17. Physiotherapy
Deep breathing and coughing exercise, incentive spirometry
Sit out of bed, early mobilization
Limb exercise
Proper body position
Pulmonary rehabilitation program

You should learn this !

a. Splinting techniques

b. Arm and shoulder exercise



18. Provide education to patient and relatives on

Health maintenance

Cessation smoking
Pulmonary exercise
Wound care 
Follow up procedures
Attend rehabilitation programme
