¡@ Respiratory Nursing

Nursing Care of Clients with Respiratory Problem Undergoing Surgical Intervention ¡@
Pre-operative Preparation

1. Stop smoking
2. Rigorous chest physiotherapy, especially in COAD, bronchiectasis
3. Treatment of concomitant medical conditions, e.g., DM, infection, Heart failure, COAD, IHD-high risk in recent myocardial infarction, TB reaction
4. Prophylactic antibiotics in DM, TB, COAD, infection
5. Pre-operative education program by Nurse and physiotherapist


6. Collection of properties
7. Check pre-operative check list
8. Chart preparation
9. Patient preparation before OT
10. Administration of pre-medication
11. Escort patient to OT
12. psychological support
13. Prepare post-operative bed and tray

You should learn this !

a. Splinting techniques


b. Arm & shoulder exercise
